the hands show the way of the heart

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November 10, 2014


August 17, 2014

{houses, via trent and jessie}

Mudar de casa. 
Recomeçar através do espaço que ocupo.
Setembro é o mês dos meus inícios.


Changing home.
Start again through the space I occupy.
September is my beginnings month.

Lucy Hilmer

August 17, 2014


July 17, 2014

"We want a radical intimacy more than anything – a partner or a situation or a friend or an experience through which we are able to share our deepest truths and our raw open hearts; to finally, once and for all, let go of the exhausting effort to become someone different. But until we deeply embrace our utter aloneness, invite it all the way in as the sweet friend it is – meet it as a beloved guide from beyond, receiving its gifts from the stars – the intimacy we so long for can never be fully embraced. We will always be holding back slightly, not fully able to allow the other to mean *everything*. We will always remain a bit distant, longing painfully for a plunge into closeness, driven from within to seek some experience – any experience – other than this one.

In the words of our dear Rumi: “Any search moves away from the spot where the object of the quest is. Sleep deeply wherever you are on the way. Maybe some traveler will wake you.""


Blink Blink

June 25, 2014

Handmade patterns made by Blink Blink via Esther Sandler

The overview effect

June 20, 2014

Mi Mitrika

June 09, 2014

Coisas bonitas. Em mimitrica shop.


Beautiful things. At mimitrica shop.

Céu na mão

May 21, 2014

Ser mutante, como eu.

Mudo-me este mês para Lisboa.
A nova casa tem uma janela gigante. No topo deste 4º andar, quase que toco nas nuvens.

Dedicado exclusivamente a este tema, novo blog aqui :)


Mutant being like myself.

I'm moving to Lisbon this month.
The new house has a big window. On the top of the 4th floor I can almost touch the clouds.

Exclusively dedicated to this theme there's a new blog in here :)


May 20, 2014

Lua Cheia II

May 15, 2014

{image taken from here}

A vida muda-me de casa outra vez e eu mudo-me com ela.
Escolho regressar a Lisboa. Aliás, Lisboa é o lugar onde sempre regresso.

Hoje a lua está 100% cheia.
É tempo de criar.


Life changes home again and I change home with it.
I choose to return to Lisbon. In fact, Lisbon is the place where I always return.

Today the Moon is 100% full.
It is time to create.

Lua Cheia

May 15, 2014

"This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent as a guide from beyond."

Até ao fundo do mar

April 11, 2014

A pousar as palavras no chão.
Laying the words on the ground.

Coisas da alma

March 20, 2014

Restaurant, Fatima, Portugal, 1976, via Marrie Bot 

Intimidade. Fotografias que amam. Que captam o sagrado do momento que não se repete.


Intimacy. Photos that love. That capture the sacredness from the moment that doesn't repeat itself.

Yours Truly

March 20, 2014


February 07, 2014

Casa II

February 06, 2014

"Every moment is a moment of thanksgiving."


February 06, 2014

Regresso ao Penedo, Sintra.


Return to Penedo, Sintra.

"Bliss of the wild blessings"

January 27, 2014

Observando e pondo em perspectiva o que se passa à minha volta. 
Eu estou viva. 
O sol brilha fora e dentro da minha janela.

"Se estás vivo, eu estou grata por ti."


Observing and putting in perspective what is happening around me.
I am alive.
The sun shines outside and inside my window.

"If you're alive, I am grateful for you."


January 27, 2014

Udaipur, Índia.
Photo by ©Bruno Grilo

"At times a broken heart will appear as your teacher, and you will be asked to practice the most radical yogas of sadness and vulnerability. At times you may see that the yoga of a broken heart is the highest path for you and will ask that you set aside all others, placing your tenderness, your aloneness, and the scary places upon the altar in front of you.
Allow yourself to be the great yogini of the broken heart, for it may be why you have come here—to feel the longing and the burning of this world, to hold and metabolize it inside the grace field of your own body, and to shower beings everywhere with your wisdom and your love.

You are wedded to the unknown now, and you are willing to give your heart to others and to this world—to use even your sadness, your hopelessness, and your aloneness to connect with others, allowing yourself to be crafted as a wild translucent vessel of kindness."